2024 Permit Challenge
Contestant Form
Contestant Vest Size: what Size would you like your vest to be?
Hotel: You are allotted one hotel room at the South Point for two nights, with check-in on 12/4 and check-out on 12/6. Please confirm below if you plan to use this room.
We can not extend your stay or arrange for early check-in. You will need to contact South Point directly to see about those arrangements.
CONTESTANTS WITH HORSES: Must provide current health certificate within 30 days, negative Coggins within 6 months, and brand inspection required by the state of Nevada. Timed event contestant horse stalls will be off site at Benny Binion Livestock Sale housing (Not South Point Arena). Horses must vacate stalls no later than 12 PM on Friday, Dec. 6 or be charged $100 per day boarding fee.
Bio Question 1- Do you attend college and/or work? If so, where do you work? Or what college and are you on the rodeo team?
Bio Question 2- What rodeo accomplishments are you most proud of?
Bio Question 3 - Favorite PRCA Rodeo